#1. Snow leopards have adapted to live in the cold, high mountains of Asia. Which of the following is not true about snow leopard physiology?

#2. The scientific name for snow leopards is Panthera _

#3. It is believed that there are 3,500 – 7,000 snow leopards in the wild. The IUCN Red List categorizes snow leopards as _

#4. Snow leopards are generally considered crepuscular, meaning activity usually peaks at what time(s) of day?

#5. Snow leopards have a unique pattern on their coat that is crucial to helping us recognize individual cats. This pattern is known as _

#6. Snow leopard cubs stay close to their mothers until they begin exploring on their own at about _ months

#7. Which of the following is not a common snow leopard prey species?

#8. Snow leopard range is spread across _ countries.

#9. Snow leopards face many threats. Which of the following is not a major threat to the species currently?

#10. We partner with local and indigenous communities to protect the snow leopard. Which of the following is not one of our conservation programs?
#11. BONUS: Snow leopards have thick fur to help them keep warm. In fact, it’s estimated they have about _ hairs per square inch.
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Be sure to download our new fact sheet to learn more about snow leopards and our conservation work.
Take this as an opportunity to learn! Download our new fact sheet and catch up on your snow leopard knowledge.
And let us know how you did in the comments, what stumped you?
Download a PDF version of our new snow leopard fact sheet here.
Interesting…so glad to learn new things about these magnificent felines!
A few years ago we were in Seattle and saw the wonderful snow leopards at their home in the zoo. It was afternoon so of course, being cats, they were napping. They had recently had 2 cubs and the male had an optical disease which required removal of his right eye. And just about a year ago we were in Big Bear,CA and saw that the son there had adopted the two cubs fromm Seattle. So we got to see two generations of a snow leopard family.So cook.
There were actually three cubs in that litter. The two sisters (Asha and Shanti), both suffering from the same issue, were sent to Big Bear Zoo. There is a nice write up on them on the Big Bear website. I am a member of and frequent visitor to Woodland Park Zoo Seattle.
Thanks so much for directing us to the Big Bear Zoo article. I hadn’t realized this litter happened a decade ago! I hope the two surviving leopards are still with us. I wish they had been able to breed in case the eye disease was not genetic. Now I’ll check out the BB Zoo website to find out if the leopards are still there.
Thanks for sharing that about the two generations. Glad to hear the cubs survived and have a new home down south.
I got only 7 correct so I guess I need to study up!
Got 11/11 ! Yay ! My memory must working today 😂
7/11…mmm…is not bad.. but sure I will take a chance to learn more on how to lead these impressive cats to a better future.
9 here. Not too bad 😉
well, 7/11. I love that we all still have things to learn about snow leopards and the word they inhabit. And learning more about these beautiful cats is one of my favorite things to do between Dawn and Dusk. 🙂
I got 9 out of 11, but was confused by one of the questions, so technically I should have had 10! Lol! I first learned of your organization during the COVID-19 lockdown when you hosted the 24 hour conference online. I think I managed to stay on for 20 hours -it was a wonderful event! Thank you for all that you do to protect this beautiful species!
7/11 Hmmm! I need to improve. Pleased with what I did know though & will keep learning
10/11. I missed the current threats question.
I missed the Scientific name. Thank you for your work to save Snow Leapards from extinction.
10/11. I didn’t get the scientific name correct.
7/11, so not too bad! Such beautiful creatures – I am glad to learn more.
I got 8/11 correct.
I got 8/11 correct.
got a 9 of 11. missed the hair question and the 12 countries. i need a geography quiz next! i saw snow leps at akron ohio zoo many years ago. they were kept in a rocky area right next to the goats! how frustrating it must have been for those poor leopards to see their favorite prey so very close!
Oh geez, totally agree. Like being right next to a fragrant chocolate croissant that’s out of reach!
8 of 11, i learned a couple last year lol. and i ignored my intuition which was right for 12 countries hehe. well there’s always next year. me begins studying furiously. enjoy and be well everyone =) s
Got 8/11 – need to study more!
10/11. I got the bonus wrong about the number of hairs per sq inch! I do think there should be a North American inteoduction programme 😁😁
I am a nature and animal lover since always and I am proud of being part of this great family of snow leopard conservationists.
Not to bad 8 out of 11.