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#1. Which of the following contributes to a decline of prey species in snow leopard habitat?
Select all that apply:
The correct answers are a, c & d. A snow leopard baby boom is not feasible because of their slow reproductive rate and relatively high age of sexual maturity.

#2. True or False: Consumers in the United States do not typically buy products from the illegal wildlife trade.
False – According to the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, a significant part of the world’s illegal trade in wild animal products is driven by U.S. consumers.

#3. Which of the following helps prevent retaliatory killings of snow leopards?
Select all that apply:
All of these options help prevent retaliatory killings and promote coexistence between human and wildlife. Read more about our conservation programs here.

#4. True or False: Snow leopard habitat is warming at a faster rate than the Northern Hemisphere.
TRUE – The high mountains of Asia, known as Earth’s Third Pole, are among the planet’s most vulnerable regions to climate change, with the rate of warming expected to be twice that of the average rate for the Northern Hemisphere.

#5. Which parts of snow leopards are used in the illegal wildlife trade?
The answer is all of the above. These threatened big cats are killed and illegally traded for their fur and other body parts, including teeth, claws, and bones.

#6. True or False: Climate change will only become a problem for snow leopards once their mountain snows melt.
FALSE – Flash floods, disease outbreaks, droughts and other climate disasters are already causing significant losses to lives, livestock and livelihoods. Additionally, these catastrophic weather events can result in altered human-wildlife interactions and negative encounters and, thus, lower tolerance for snow leopards.

#7. Which of the following are significant threats to snow leopards?
Select all that apply:
Snow leopards face many significant threats, including poaching for the illegal wildlife trade (and retaliatory killings), habitat loss from development (such as mining and poorly planned roads) and the various effects of climate change. Frostbite is not a serious concern because snow leopards are well adapted to living in cold climates.

#8. True or False: Habitat loss is not a major threat to snow leopards because they live in such remote mountainous areas.
False – Mining and poorly planned infrastructure development are destroying and fragmenting their habitats, reducing their prey base and increasing access for illegal hunting. In addition, climate change is further impacting their mountain habitat.

#9. True or False: There are more white rhinos left in the world than there are snow leopards.
True – The white rhino population is estimated to be >10,000 animals. The snow leopard population is estimated to be between 3,500 and 7,000.

#10. Which of the following poses the biggest threat to snow leopards?
Select all that apply:
Human activities pose the greatest threat to snow leopards. Fortunately, humans can also be their greatest hope. Thank you for supporting our conservation efforts to ensure a future for this endangered species.
I failed to see ‘select all that apply’!
You can select multiple answers on some questions, we got a little tricky this time!
Fabulous info on this critically endangered
Animal! Thank you for all your work pertaining to the Snow Leopard!
Yeah me too.
thank you for the quiz & for the efforts conserving the snow leopard population
Got me with the frostbite lol…I was thinking of their little toes…
That was a fun quiz! I had to think about a couple of them! Thanks!
I am a wildlife advocate particularly for wolves since I am in the US. However so many of the questions asked for snow leopards are pertinent to all wildlife no matter where they are. Humans are not good the animals no matter how you look at it.
Please tell me how i did.
Hi, your score will be revealed once you finish the quiz.
I got 7 out of 10 — will study harder for the next quiz! Thanks for all you do.
One wrong, and two not selected answers.
Life on this planet would be so much poorer and less worth it if the snow leopards and the blue whales are no longer living in their natural habitat. GAIA does not care, so we humans had better. Sooner rather than later.
9/10 Some reason I put bears as well as an answer when we all know it’s humans along that are the biggest threat to snow leopards 🤦♂️