Congratulations, you’re certainly no “crappy birder”
Don’t worry, it took five of us to identify all these birds. Better luck next time! Refresh the page to try again.

#1. This bird is an Old World flycatcher

#2. This vulture can be found throughout Eurasia

#3. The collective noun for these birds is a chatter

#4. Can you identity this bird?

#5. This eagle soars across the entire Northern Hemisphere

#6. Hint: it’s a rosefinch

#7. Hint: it’s different from the other vulture

#8. This bird hangs around wide open spaces

#9. This large bird of prey was reintroduced to the European Alps in the late 20th Century

#10. Can you identify this colorful character?

#11. This bird is a _, part of the _ family

#12. Like snow leopards, these birds are usually found above the tree line

#13. BONUS: Can you identify this bird with no help? We HOPE you can get it 😉
Hoopoe you do better next time!
A lot of fun. Appreciate the opportunity to see photos of these wonderful birds.
Thank you for the opportunity to see some new birds that are far away from my home.
Great fun! I’m surprised I got more than half of the birds considering I wasn’t familiar with most of them. Logical deduction I guess 🙂
Fun quiz
Very enjoyable even though I didn’t do too well!
I’m agreed. And thank you for these quality images of some birds which are new for me i.e. flycatcher. And overall the content is well crafted and amazing.
I agreed.