Strides for Snow Leopards 2023 Recap

A huge thank you to our supporters around the world who made #Strides4SnowLeopards and took action for climate change!

On June 4, over 1,100 people from 60 countries came together to be a part of a global movement to protect the snow leopard’s mountain habitat, known as the Third Pole, which is estimated to be warming faster than the rest of the Northern Hemisphere. #Strides4SnowLeopards provides a powerful way to raise awareness for climate change.

You came out in big numbers to walk, run, dunk, swim, cycle, meditate and roll for the Third Pole! Collectively, we moved more than 2,000 km from Seattle to Ulaanbaatar and everywhere in between. We hope you felt our immense gratitude from wherever you were participating.

We have loved watching this event gain momentum every year and this growth is only possible because of YOU. Your participation sends a powerful global message about the importance of snow leopard conservation and climate action. Every step matters as we continue working to develop ethical, effective conservation initiatives, ensuring a future for our favorite big cats.

We look forward to taking Strides with you again next year!


  1. I’m doing an oil painting of a snow leopard photographed against a background of it’s Himalayan habitat. When it’s finished I’ll get some high quality prints done which could be sold to help snow leopards. It’s going to take a few months but hopefully will be finished before Christmas. Barbara Same, member of Art School Wales, Newport, South Wales, United Kingdom.

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