With the snow leopard facing direct threats from poaching and retaliation killings, urgent conservation action is needed more than ever. Thankfully, Snow Leopard Trust supporters like you followed our call to action in droves this Giving Tuesday, and raised over $78,000 in a single day!
Thanks to your generosity, we also received a $60,000 matching gift, provided by members of the Snow Leopard Trust Board of Directors, the Snow Leopard Trust UK, and Edrington Group with funds raised through sales of Snow Leopard Vodka. Thank you very much!

You’ve given us the means to take on one the most pressing threats to snow leopards : we have to find the most effective ways to protect these cats from poaching and killing.
This is a most dire need. By stepping forward on Giving Tuesday, you’ve empowered us to work on solutions.
Although the number of snow leopards poached each year is staggering, you bring hope. We know that most of these cases are retribution killings by herders after livestock losses. Working with local herder communities to prevent these killings is one of our core strengths!
Thanks to you, we will be able to work with over 5,000 herder families next year to stop hunting and killing of snow leopards and their prey!
Please post results of giving Tuesday for your matching funds donations. Thank you.
Dear Sandi. We’ve had a fantastic GivingTuesday – over $78,000 were raised for snow leopards, and we received the full matching gift! Thank you all so much!
Matt, SLT Communications Manager