A New Snow Leopard Range Map


When biologists go into the field and try to figure out where to find snow leopards, here is what they are up against: There are anywhere from 3,500-7,000 snow leopards left in the world, and their habitat is spread across 12 countries. Maps of snow leopard range are based on habitat models and limited data, much of which is anecdotal.

mapThe good news is, this March, 30 of the world’s leading snow leopard experts came together in Beijing to map their collective knowledge (Beijing Conference press release). Now, a new snow leopard range map is being put together and will soon be available on the Snow Leopard Trust’s website, as well as the Snow Leopard Network website.

Return to Snow Leopard Trust Website


  1. Thanks for the good news Skyler. The more people learn about snow leopards the better their chance of survival.

  2. this website is great. but i need a map that shows areas that are protected for snow leopards.

  3. Here is a map that shows snow leopard range (in pink/beige) overlayed with known protected areas (darker green outlines). Two notes: first, the country borders are for illustrative purposes only. Second, this is a general compilation of protected areas. Some are specifically for snow leopards, some are not.

  4. Hi, i am doing a presentation on the Biogeographic distribution of snow leopards for an assignment at university, could anyone point in the right direction for puplications or articles on this matter please

  5. im doing a asssignmwnt on sno leopards for geography …..im wondering if you might be able to help me with this questio …–find a map showing the location of past and present population of the species–…..its due on the 19th this month

    1. Hi Prerna. Sorry for the delayed response! The newest distribution map, approved by all 12 snow leopard range countries, is available at http://snowleopard.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Snow-Leopard-Range-Map-GSLEP.jpg.

      It’s hard to provide historic data, as very little was known about snow leopards until recently. However, given the terrain, the historic range may have been bigger than it is today, but probably not by very much. Population densities, on the other hand, may have been significantly higher.

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