Another Meal for Aztai

Follow the Cats 01-20-10

It seems that Aztai (green) has been hungry in the New Year. After the Christmas feast we reported that he had on December 25th, he seems to have made another kill on the 5th of January, and then again on the 13th, though he remained for no more than two days at each site. He continued to patrol his home range and has refrained from making any excursions outside of his core area. Although we have not had uplinks from Saikhan or Tsagaan recently, there has been a single uplink from Shonkhor (red), who was more than 60 km southwest of our research station. While it confirms that he is around, the fact that we are getting so few uplinks with so much time between data points does not allow us to interpret much about the movement patterns other than that he is perhaps still exploring, and has taken a long walk towards the southwestern edge of the Tost Mountains. With student researcher Orjan Johansson gearing up to go back to the field, we look forward to an exciting season and hope to replace the old collars on Saikhan, Tsagaan, and Shonkhor with new collars before they drop off as planned. This hopefully will allow us to learn more about these cats. In addition, we hope to collar some new individuals that we photographed last year on camera traps, and see how they interact with this landscape and other cats.

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