Ambitious GEF-financed project aims at conserving Pakistan’s snow leopard ecosystems and improve livelihoods of local communities.

Ambitious GEF-financed project aims at conserving Pakistan’s snow leopard ecosystems and improve livelihoods of local communities.
Researchers capture camera trap photos of both snow leopards and common leopards during a population study in Pakistan’s Gilgit Baltistan province.
How a community in Pakistan went from capturing snow leopards to protecting them.
With deep sorrow, the Snow Leopard Trust and Snow Leopard Foundation Pakistan have learned of a road accident that occurred on the morning of August 01, 2017 near Askole in Shigar Valley, Central Karakoram National Park (CKNP), Pakistan.
Events in schools raise awareness for the endangered cats and its plight among local communities in the mountain provinces of Pakistan.
Conservationists in Pakistan have created a comic book about snow leopards and the conflicts the cats can get into with humans. The book will help local kids understand the complex relationship between people and wildlife.
One year after devastating flash floods washed away their livelihoods, dozens of families in our conservation partner communities in Pakistan’s Chitral district have been able to rebuild their lives – thanks to the generosity of Snow Leopard Trust supporters.
In just 2 weeks, Snow Leopard Trust supporters have raised $11,830 for our partner communities in Pakistan that were devastated by recent floods! The money will be used to restore drinking water supplies in several villages in Chitral and Gilgit Baltistan and to repair damaged homes.
“Since you started working here, we’ve lost more livestock than ever. There are too many snow leopards. We don’t need livestock vaccination, we just need you and the cats to go away!”
2-year-old Muhammad Afhan has seen more suffering in his short time on Earth than anyone should witness in a lifetime. His village, Mori, in Pakistan’s Chitral district, was hit by devastating floods this summer. Houses were buried under thick layers of mud, drinking water pipes were destroyed and swept away. You can help him and …