This week’s map looks quite a bit like last week’s. Saikhan (green) is still in hanging out in the core of Aztai’s (yellow) home range and appears to have made at least one kill; he was at the same location from October 22nd to 24th, and at a second location from the 25th-26th. Shonkhor (purple) was likely on a kill in the corridor area between the Tost Mountains and Toson Bumba from October 15th -17th. And Aztai appears to be intensively patrolling the boundaries of his home range, perhaps because of Saikhan’s presence. He made another visit to the southern edge of the Tost Mountains where we’ve seen him previously make several ibex kills. However, if he was hunting he appears to have been unsuccessful, as he quickly left the area and moved back to the canyons near our research camp.