A first analysis of research camera photos suggests that at least three female cats in our Long Term Ecological Study in Mongolia are with cubs right now.
The latest trap camera photos from Mongolia have revealed a nice surprise: Lasya, whose adorable cubs we were able to film this summer, is not the only recent mom in our study. At least two other females appear to be with cubs as well!

A first analysis of the available images indicates that the additional cats with cubs may be Anu and F-9, nicknamed Shinejh. Our scientists in the field are working on confirming their identity.
fantastic news guys, your work with these cubs will be a huge knowledge leap to help snow leopards everywhere.
Wonderful news! I hope all three can successfully rear their cubs to independence. The world needs more snow leopards.
This are wonderful news. Once again thanks for your work, you make life much better when we realize all the things you’re doing for the preservation of wild life.