Learn about snow leopards!

Thanks for visiting our site! Whether you have already fallen in love with snow leopards or just want to know more about this big cat, you’re in the right place! Learn more about snow leopards, check out cool photos and download fun activities to try with your friends and family!

Snow leopards are native to the high mountains of Asia and their bodies are adapted to live in this cold environment. They have thick fur to keep them warm, large paws to travel on snow and a long tail to help them balance as they climb and jump around their rocky habitat. There’s much more to discover about these majestic cats – scroll down and start your journey to become a snow leopard expert!

Get all the facts on snow leopards!

Snow leopards in the wild!

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Fun snow leopard inspired activities to try at home!
What has four paws and can’t roar? Listen below to hear what sound a snow leopard makes!


Spot the snow leopard!

Can you find the snow leopard in these images?

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What can you do to help snow leopards?
  1. Spread the word and share what you have learned with your family, friends and classmates! The more people who know about snow leopards, the more people who can help support their conservation and spread awareness.
  2. Express your love for snow leopards through art and creative projects! We love to see the cool, funky and gorgeous works that our youngest supporters create – feel free to share with us with permission from your guardian: social@snowleopard.org
  3. Organize your own fundraising event. Instead of gifts for your next birthday, ask your friends and family to donate to your favorite charity in your name.