Responsiveness & Strategic Support

Welcome to the 7th principle of the partners principles: RESPONSIVENESS.

Please read the chapters on “RESPONSIVENESS” and “STRATEGIC SUPPORT” in the book “The PARTNERS Principles for Community-Based Conservation.” They introduce the key themes we discuss throughout the videos and examples.

Watch this video to get started!

A short story from Spiti, India.
Deepshika from the Nature Conservation Foundation India shares a story of a snow leopard getting caught in a corral.

Let’s discuss the example.

Now we explore the principle of RESPONSIVENESS. This video summarizes a few key points about the principle.

Welcome to the 8th principle of the PARTNERS principles: STRATEGIC SUPPORT.

A short story from Mongolia.
Bayara from the Snow Leopard Foundation Mongolia shares a story about bringing stakeholders together to protect a snow leopard landscape. Watch this video to learn more.

Let’s bring it all together and discuss the example.

What else is important to consider about the principle of STRATEGIC SUPPORT?

Join the discussion.
The PARTNERS Principles Network discuss the principles of RESPONSIVENESS & STRATEGIC SUPPORT.



Time for an activity. You can do this activity either as a group or as an individual.

Activity 5: Responsiveness Discussion 

Think of any situations in which you faced a problem and how you responded to it.
Please share your experiences.

Now see how the principles are applied around the world