Investigator Activity 6

Activity name: What trash says to us.
Estimated time: 1 hour
Values: Instrumental
Skills: Analytical, investigative, leadership
Knowledge: Human interactions with nature, local environment
Action: Positive local action, decision-making

Plastic waste pollutes environments around the world. Every household should take all possible measures to reduce plastic waste. For example, instead of buying a plastic bottle of beverage from a store, you can make a drink at home from a local fruit.


  • Look around the household and see what items you find. Select 10 items
  • Classify the items according to which waste group they belong to.
  • These are the categories:
  • Degradable in soil
  • Slowly degradable
  • Non-degradable waste
  • Hazardous waste

Based on the categories that you have classified the waste, describe ways that they can be disposed

Implement the ways to dispose of the waste in your house. Tell us your experiences.


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