The snow leopard observer is the first module of the environmental education programme. In this module, the key thematic focus areas are on values and knowledge, in addition to key skills in observation. This module encourages children and young people as they observe their surrounding environments and supports their curiosity. The focus is on building intrinsic and relational values, along with skills in taking note of and interpreting information from nature. In terms of knowledge the module focuses on local environmental themes.
Snow Leopard Observer Activities:

Observer Activity 1
Activity name: Getting to know your environment Estimated time: 1 hour Values: Relational, Intrinsic Skills: Observational, investigative Knowledge: Local environment, ...

Observer Activity 2
Activity name: My life around me Estimated time: 1 hour Values: Relational, intrinsic Skills: Observational Knowledge: Local environment Action: N/A ...

Observer Activity 3
Activity name: Astronomy Estimated time: 1 hour Values: Relational, Intrinsic Skills: Observational Knowledge: Local environment Action: N/A Go outside during ...

Observer Activity 4
Activity name: Become a photographer for the day Estimated time: 1 hour Values: Relational Skills: Sharing and communication Knowledge: Natural ...

Observer Activity 5
Activity name: Silent nature Estimated time: 1 hour Values: Relational Skills: Observational Knowledge: Local environment Action: N/A Get up early ...

Observer Activity 6
Activity name: Wise use of water Estimated time: 1 hour Values: Instrumental Skills: Investigative, Analytical Knowledge: Human interactions with nature ...

Observer Activity: Adopt a Plant
Age groups: 8 and up Keywords: Outdoors; Natural area needed; At-home activity; Individual activity; Pen and paper needed; Observation; Extended; ...

Observer Activity: Finding your place
Age groups: 8 and up Keywords: Outdoors; Natural area needed; In-school activity; At-home activity; Individual activity; Pen and paper needed; ...

Observer Activity: Hidden in Plain Sight
Age groups: 7-14 Keywords: Outdoors, In-school activity, Group-based activity, No materials needed, observation, active, game, adaptations One-sentence summary of activity: ...

Observer Activity: Let’s go birding!
Age groups: This activity can be for all ages but can be altered in the level of difficulty based on ...