GPS Study Update: Shonkor's Next Move, Aztai and Khavar's Overlapping Ranges

(Follow the Cats posts are usually accompanied by a satellite map, but Koustubh, our map-maker, is currently in the field collecting data.) The first two weeks of May, Shonkhor had all of us guessing about his next move. He had embarked on an incredible journey 60 km to the west of base camp, and we …

Follow the Cats Update: Shonkhor's Incredible Journey, Devekh's Collar Mystery

The most remarkable journey to date came from Shonkhor this fortnight! Shonkhor (red), collared in April last year, has taken an extensive expedition to the west, much further than where he wandered in previous weeks. Shonkhor’s last location was 60 km west of our base camp. We are curious to see if he continues to …

Follow the Cats Update: Orjan Checks the Clusters while the Cats are on Patrol

We have had a rare fortnight with no new snow leopard collared! The law of averages seems to be catching up after so many weeks where there have been at least one–and sometimes even two–snow leopards collared within a single night. Orjan is wondering if they have figured out his strategy. The truth is that …

GPS Study: Following Devekh Across Mongolia's Tost Mountains

As you can see on the map, Devekh’s movements these past two weeks have been remarkable (Devekh’s positions and trajectories are represented by the blue dots and lines). He has already given us quite a lot of data points to follow! Two weeks ago Devekh was heading Southeast toward the Tost Mountains. He continued this …

Meet Mongolia's Known Snow Leopards

With our recent success in collaring another male snow leopard, we wanted to reintroduce you to the snow leopards who’ve made an appearance near our base camp in South Gobi, Mongolia. For more information (including photos) of these cats, visit our Meet the Cats page. Snow Leopards We Are Tracking Aztai (Lucky)– a male, probably …