Kyrgyz team makes adventurous trip into the mountains to reward local communities for their role in keeping endangered snow leopards and prey species safe.
Category: Kyrgyzstan
Cats Caught on Cam: The Chase
Thanks to the generous support of many of you, we’ve been able to purchase urgently needed research cameras and have begun monitoring the snow leopards of Kyrgyzstan’s Sarychat area systematically last year.
High-level meeting of 12 snow leopard range countries
Press release by the Global Snow Leopard and Ecosystems Protection Program (GSLEP) – Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. Only joint efforts can save endangered animals such as the snow leopard from extinction in the wild
Anti-Poaching Program Goes National in Kyrgyzstan
Government agencies, INTERPOL, and NGOs join forces with rangers and community members to confront illegal hunting of endangered species.
Kyrgyz parliament blocks potentially damaging law
Snow Leopard Trust staff are working with partners and the Kyrgyz parliament against a proposed law that would weaken protections for nature reserves in the country.
Research Camera Outtakes
The mountains of Central Asia may seem barren – but there’s A LOT of funny business going on along those steep mountain slopes! Check out some of the fun pictures our research cameras have captured over the last months!
Conservation Program Raises $1 Million for Snow Leopards
Press Release. Seattle, November 4, 2014. Snow Leopard Enterprises creates a market for handicrafts made by herders who live in the endangered cat’s habitat. In return, the herders help save snow leopards. In the past 10 years, this program, which today helps protect 17% of Mongolia’s snow leopard habitat, has generated a total of $1 …
Meet the Women of Uch Koshkon
Snow Leopard Enterprises is more than a conservation program – it’s the story of remarkable women taking their future into their own hands, empowering their families and communities and blazing a trail towards a sustainable future for people and wildlife. Meet some of the Snow Leopard Enterprises participants from the Kyrgyz village of Uch Koshkon.
Snow Leopard Photobomb!
Well, this may just be a first of its kind – a snow leopard photobombing a staff selfie. Country Program Leader, Kubanych (Kuban) Zhumabai uulu managed to snap a quick “selfie” in the field AND catch a snow leopard photobombing in the background. It goes to show you that a “rock” is not always a …
A Million Bucks to Save Snow Leopards
The Snow Leopard Trust’s pioneering handicraft-for-conservation program Snow Leopard Enterprises is about to hit $1 million in sales.