Cats & H2O: What Our Research Reveals About Snow Leopards and Water

Water is essential for all life—even for cats, despite their longstanding grievance towards it! All animals rely on water—a limited resource in the more arid parts of snow leopard habitat. During our long-term research study in the Gobi Desert, we’ve encountered multiple examples of the tight connection between cats and water.

Rubina’s Journey: Sewing Hope for Women & Wildlife

Our team in Pakistan, based at the Snow Leopard Foundation (SLF), produces a monthly newsletter with the vision of inspiring the people of Pakistan to live in harmony with wildlife. They advocate for a world where nature is valued and conserved and ecosystem services are sustained to deliver benefits essential for all people. This month, we’re excited to share one of their many uplifting stories.

Training the Trainers: Ethical Conservation Workshop

Snow Leopard Trust and its partners recently led a second “training-of-trainers” workshop on ethical community engagement for conservation in Mongolia’s Hustai National Park. All the conservationists traveled for multiple days with multiple layovers to participate in the training workshop. However, long layovers weren’t the biggest obstacle for many participants.

Remembering Dagina: Celebrating the Life of an Extraordinary Snow Leopard

On a dark August night in 2009, a tiny snow leopard cub and her sibling trailed behind their mother through the rocky Tost mountains of Mongolia. Unbeknownst to them, they triggered one of our motion-sensor research cameras, which captured the image above. That moment was the beginning of a lifelong relationship with perhaps the most well-known and beloved snow leopard in our long-running scientific study.

First Photographic Evidence of Pallas’s Cat in Himachal Pradesh, India

A small feline perhaps more elusive than the snow leopard, the Pallas’ cats remain understudied, and their full distribution is still largely unknown. An exciting discovery in the province of Himachal Pradesh, India, underscores the need for focused research and action for this little relative of our favorite big cat.

Meet the Snow Leopards You’re Helping Us Protect

While you go about your daily life, something remarkable is unfolding in the rugged peaks of Mongolia: motion-triggered research cameras are capturing extraordinary moments in the lives of Earth’s most elusive big cat. These secret “selfies” of wild snow leopards aren’t just incredible images – they’re vital pieces of a complex conservation puzzle.

Proof in Action: Snow Leopard Conservation That Works

Community-based and led conservation practices have been part of Snow Leopard Trust’s modus operandi for decades. However, the performance of such programs is rarely measured, making it difficult to assess their impact. A recent study evaluated the effectiveness of our large-scale, community-based conservation initiatives in five countries.