Our team recently conducted a training workshop in Mongolia focused on gender inclusivity in conservation. Promoting gender equality is crucial for ensuring ethical and effective practices in conservation efforts.

Our team recently conducted a training workshop in Mongolia focused on gender inclusivity in conservation. Promoting gender equality is crucial for ensuring ethical and effective practices in conservation efforts.
Snow Leopard Trust and its partners recently led a second “training-of-trainers” workshop on ethical community engagement for conservation in Mongolia’s Hustai National Park. All the conservationists traveled for multiple days with multiple layovers to participate in the training workshop. However, long layovers weren’t the biggest obstacle for many participants.
Community-based and led conservation practices have been part of Snow Leopard Trust’s modus operandi for decades. However, the performance of such programs is rarely measured, making it difficult to assess their impact. A recent study evaluated the effectiveness of our large-scale, community-based conservation initiatives in five countries.
Horses are integral to the livelihood and culture of herding communities who coexist with snow leopards. Last year, one of our dedicated community partners in Mongolia, Enkhburen (Buren) Nyam, experienced the loss of a foal to a snow leopard attack. Both wolves and snow leopards pose a threat to young horses.
A friendly flower photography competition during a recent Snow Leopard Trust eco-camp was an opportunity for students to learn more about Kyrgyzstan’s mountain ecosystem. If you’re looking for environmental education opportunities, many activities can be replicated in your backyard!
Last week, a select group of Snow Leopard Trust staff, leaders, and board members from all over the world gathered to discuss strategies for improving global conservation practices. Fueled by a passion to make a difference for snow leopards and the people who share their habitat, we envision a world where ethical, fair and inclusive nature conservation efforts are supported and led by Indigenous peoples and local communities.
Feral dogs attacked the ibex above which took refuge in a river. After several hours of struggle, it managed to escape. Many others are not so lucky. Growing populations of feral dogs in snow leopard habitat are a rapidly emerging threat to snow leopards, livestock, and people.
Snow Leopard Trust’s citizen-ranger program in Kyrgyzstan has been crucial in combating illegal wildlife trade. Building on this success, we are expanding the program to Mongolia and Pakistan to protect even more snow leopards across their vast habitat.
You may have seen recent international news coverage reporting that Mongolia is experiencing some of its most extreme winter weather conditions now extending into spring. Deep snow and ice have covered grazing areas, creating catastrophic challenges affecting hundreds of thousands of people and millions of livestock.
During the ongoing Women’s History Month, we’re featuring a paper by snow leopard researchers that explores the role of women in snow leopard conservation in the high mountains of Asia.