Zoo Partners
Natural Partnerships Program: Where Inspiration Meets Impact
The Snow Leopard Trust’s story has deep ties to the Zoo community. Our founder, Helen Freeman, first began her work with snow leopards at Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo and went on to spark a global conservation movement. Zoos are active supporters of wildlife conservation, committed to protecting wild species and their natural habitats. Today, zoos worldwide support critical snow leopard research, education, and conservation initiatives through the Natural Partnerships Program (NPP).
The Power of Partnerships!
The Natural Partnerships Program (NPP) connects zoos around the world with the unique opportunity to protect wild snow leopards, becoming directly involved and making powerful contributions to priority in-situ conservation and research programs that aim to ensure the snow leopard’s survival.
Over 100 zoos are participating in the Snow Leopard Trust’s Natural Partnerships Program. Millions of visitors observe snow leopards in awe and amazement every year at Zoos. The Natural Partnerships Program bridges these inspiring moments with powerful contributions to snow leopard conservation in the field. With more than 160 zoos worldwide housing snow leopards, imagine the extraordinary impact we could achieve together. What a huge difference each zoo partner makes.

Join our Conservation Network
Make a Direct Impact
- Fund Priority Projects: Support essential research, education and conservation efforts where they are needed most
- Share our Story: Offer conservation products in your gift store or at events that connect visitors to our mission
- Engage Your Community: Host virtual or in-person presentations from our field experts
- Create Memorable Experiences: Transform a zoo visit into an extraordinary Snow Leopard Day event
- Enhance Your Exhibit or Docent Cart: Access professional photos, maps and graphics to create compelling educational displays
Take Action Today
To make an impact for snow leopards
- Download our Natural Partnership Program Packet – Snow Leopard Trust Zoo Conservation Partnerships Program Packet.pdf
- To join or renew your partnership, contact Jennifer Snell Rullman
- Sign up for our E-news
Stay Connected – Updates from the Field
Follow the real-world impact of your support through regular updates from our field teams. Share these stories with your staff, volunteers, board members, and visitors to showcase your zoo’s vital role in snow leopard conservation.
We are proud to partner with the following zoos:
‡ = giving at the $3,000 level and above * = selling Snow Leopard Trust products
Akron Zoological Park
Alabama Gulf Coast Zoo
Alaska Zoo*
Albuquerque BioPark
Alexandria Zoological Park*
ARCA Foundation Onlus
Artenschutzzentrum Grasleben GmbH‡
Assiniboine Park Zoo‡
Association Zoologique d’Asson
Banham Zoo
Billabong Zoo*
Binder Park Zoo*
Binghamton Zoo at Ross Park*
Bioparc Zoo de Doue la Fontaine‡
Blank Park Zoo
Bramble Park Zoo
Buffalo Zoological Gardens
Calgary Zoo*
Cape May County Zoo‡*
Carolina Tiger Rescue*
Catoctin Wildlife Preserve
Chattanooga Zoo‡*
Cheyenne Mountain Zoo*
Chester Zoo‡
Chicago Zoological Society’s Brookfield Zoo
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo‡*
Cleveland Zoo AAZK Chapter
Columbus Zoo & Aquarium‡*
Como Park Zoo & Conservatory
Dakota Zoo‡*
Der Grune Zoo Wuppertal
Detroit Zoo‡
Disney Conservation Fund‡*
Dublin Zoo‡
Dudley Zoological Gardens‡
Foundation Zoo Wroclaw – DODO
Friends of Rosamond Gifford Zoo at Burnet Park
Great Plains Zoo
Idaho Falls Zoo at Tautphaus Park‡
International Species Information System/ZIMS*
John Ball Zoo‡*
Jungle Cat World
Kansas City Zoo AAZK Chapter
Knoxville Zoo
Kolmarden Foundation‡
Kolner Zoo‡
Korkeasaari Zoo‡
Lakeland Wildlife Oasis
Lake Superior Zoological Society*
Lee Richardson Zoo
Le PAL Nature Foundation‡
Louisville Zoological Garden‡*
Madrid Zoo
Memphis Zoo
Memphis Zoo AAZK Chapter
Midnight Sun AAZK Chapter
Mill Mountain Zoo*
Miller Park Zoo
Milwaukee County Zoo
Niabi Zoo*
Nordens Ark‡*
Northeastern Wisconsin (NEW) Zoo & Adventure Park*
Northumberland Country Zoo‡*
Omaha’s Henry Doorly Zoo & Aquarium‡*
Orsa Rovdjurpark*
Paradise Wildlife Park & Zoological Society of Hertfordshire
Parco Faunistico Le Cornelle*
Parco Natura Viva s.r.l. Garda Zoological Park – ARCA Foundation*
Parco Zoo Punta Verde‡*
Parc Zoo Du Reynou*
Peoria Zoo – Heart of IL AAZK Chapter
Philadelphia Zoo*
Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Aquarium
Plock Zoo
Play for Nature‡
Point Defiance AAZK Chapter
Potawatomi Zoo*
Potter Park Zoological Society
Pueblo Zoo*
Punta Verde in situ Onlus
Riverbanks Zoo & Garden
Roanoke Valley AAZK Chapter
Roger Williams Park Zoo
Rolling Hills Zoo
Sacramento Zoo*
Safari de Peaugres
Saginaw Children’s Zoo*
San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance‡
Santa Barbara Zoo*
Scovill Zoo AAZK Chapter
SECAS – Menagerie du Jardin des Plantes‡
Seneca Park Zoo‡*
Sequoia Park Zoo*
Stone Zoo*
Tallinn Zoo
The Big Cat Sanctuary/Wildlife Heritage Foundation‡
Tierpark Berlin‡
Toledo Zoo*
Toronto Zoo
Trevor Zoo
Tulsa Zoo‡
Utah’s Hogle Zoo‡*
Welsh Mountain Zoo‡
Wild Felid Advocacy Center of Washington*
Wilhelma Zoologisch-Botanischer Garten Stuttgart
Woodland Park Zoo‡*
Zoo Basel‡*
Zoo Boise‡*
Zoo de Granby
Zoo de la Boissière du Doré & Natur’ Zoo de Mervent
Zoo de Servion
Zoo Dresden‡
Zoo Krefeld‡
Zoo Liberec
Zoological adviser s.l.
Zoological Society of Buffalo
Zoo New England‡*
Zoo Wroclaw‡
Zoos and Aquariums Committing to Conservation (ZACC) Conservation Fund
Your generosity, passion, and expertise are invaluable to our conservation programs in the field.
Please contact zoos@snowleopard.org or jennifer@snowleopard.org with any questions about the program and how you can participate. Join the over 100 zoos already making a difference for snow leopards in the wild through the Natural Partnerships Program.
Special Thanks To:
Association of Zoos & Aquariums
European Association of Zoos and Aquariums
World Association of Zoos and Aquariums
Association of Zoo Keepers